Five important questions to ask about your solar system

on Wednesday, 01 May 2019.

Five important questions to ask about your solar system

If you have invested in solar energy, either recently or in the past, you'll want to make sure the system is operating at the optimum. Like anything else, if it is left to its own devices, perhaps neglected a little, then problems can arise. Here are a handful of quick questions to help you assess its current effectiveness...

 Have any of your solar panels become isolated?

They might have developed a fault, perhaps it's no more than a loose cable or tripped fuse. The inverter will still operate, seemingly as normal, yet you might be losing up to half of its output.

Is your system complaint with current Australian safety regulations?

Are you certain that your solar PV system was installed by a qualified electrician - not all installation technicians are! This could affect the validity of your home insurance policies. Older installations may also fail to comply with the updated regulations.

Are your solar panels as clean as they should be?

Imagine you hadn't had your windows cleaned for a couple of months. Then, as they are cleaned, you instantly notice an amazing difference between those completed and others still to be tackled. Yet, before the operation, you weren't really aware of how much dirt or dust had covered them. It's the same with your solar panels; without regular cleaning you might be losing up to 10% of their potential.

Are your solar panels protected?

Further to the previous point, a protective coating has been shown to improve the efficiency of solar panels by up to 9%.

Is some of your potential lost in the shade?

It can be the case that, when solar panels are installed during one season of the year, owners can then find that shade problems are hampering the overall system effectiveness during other times. This can mean that a system is actually operating at as little as just 25% of its actual potential.

How can we help?

Here at Solar Servicing SA, our team of qualified electricians and experienced technicians can offer advice regarding any of the above, as well as providing maintenance and a vital solar repairs service in Adelaide, helping you make the most of your solar energy system. If you want to discuss any of the above areas, or other concerns, simply talk to us on 0433 725 035 for obligation-free advice.

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